Palmcroft Parents

We are proud of the outstanding parental support we receive at Palmcroft. We know that a student’s educational success is largely dependent upon the parent’s involvement. That is why we strongly encourage our parents to help out in whatever way they can. Some volunteer in the classrooms or go on field trips. Some parents are actively involved in our Parent Teacher Organization or Site Council, and some serve teachers and administration by volunteering on projects they can do from home.

Whatever your personal situation, we invite you to be a part of our school and your child’s education. Any time you can give will be time well spent. Thank you for your support!

Student Responsibilities

  • Get your child to school on time. Even a few minutes late means your child misses valuable instruction. Don’t let your child miss school unless he/she is really sick.
  • Support the school in requiring your child to observe all school rules and regulations, and accept responsibility for any misbehavior on his/her part.
  • Send your child to school with proper attention having been given to personal cleanliness and neatness of dress.
  • Maintain an active interest in your children’s work. Make it possible for them to complete assigned homework by providing a quiet place, materials, and good conditions for studying. Teach them to return work and take care of books and other materials.
  • Comply with the school’s requests. This includes reading carefully all communications and signing and returning them as we have requested.
  • Cooperate with the school in attending conferences for your child.

Parent Teacher Organization

Our awesome Palmcroft PTO raises funds that help all of our teachers and the entire student body, by providing activities as well as contributing to our academic programs. It has supported us through the Annual Fall Festival, which funds various projects as well as provides lots of fun for Palmcroft students and families. We invite you to attend our once-a-month meetings. Please watch for notices and newsletters for the exact time and dates.Thanks for your support!

Parents as Volunteers

As you volunteer at your child’s school, you give a tremendous amount of support to our instruction program and school goals. Volunteering a few hours a week on a regular basis in the classroom or at school directly helps our students. Our staff would like to invite you to become a volunteer in whatever capacity fits into your life. If you can volunteer on a regular basis, please ask your child’s teacher for the district form that all class/school volunteers MUST complete. For more information, please visit our district Volunteering page.